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“Dr. Shruti Panjini, presenting panelist at Yankee Dental Conference Upper Pavilion: Dental scanning in general and esthetic dentistry. Key presentation points: scanning all active patients to properly manage care, team immersion training, patient education and practice growth potential through emerging technology .”
— dentalpalooza , June 4, 2021
"We Create - Virtual Conference is a group panel and individual presenter conference for master colorists and style innovators. Erika Lawless-Stoner gave open discussion about single process development of varied color patterning and efficient timing with triangulated sectioning; separation of melted zones included in subsequent materials and courses.”
— We create virtual conference, live panelist, april 16, 2020 & June 28th 2023
"Dr. Shruti Panjini delivered keynote speech to multi-provider conference titled Healthy Mouth = Healthy Baby. Presentation included study materials and a customized PowerPoint presentation. Open Q&A and discussion luncheon immediately following.”
— partners healthcare obgyn provider conference, march 6, 2020
“Dental Spotlight Edition. Dr. Shruti Panjini featured in centerfold as leader in field and innovation in rebooting a historic Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts practice. Notable points: innovation in technology, adaptation of care for individuals, patient privacy and elite services. .”
— boston MAGAZINE, August, 2018
"Branding Refinement Conference for AFR to discuss the importance of personal branding and image management for financial executives and support staff. Panelist Erika Lawless-Stoner to discuss the most efficient avenues of personal appearance enhancement to best establish continuous business recognition and expand client reach.”
— AFR branding refinement virtual conference, May 9, 2020
"Dr. Panjini, guest presenter on the importance of dental care as it applies to whole wellness care and health maintenance. Topics of discussion: airway support, periodontal disease connection with physical and mental condition, ”